Spring Hill Baptist Church
Martinsville, TX
Upcoming Worship Times
Sundays: Wednesdays:
Sunday School 10am 6:00pm
Worship and Preaching 11am
Evening 6pm
Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and Discipling the saints!
Spring Hill Baptist Church is a Church of Prayer
Sunday school
Services start at 10:00 am
See our Events page
Youth meetings are held on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm.
Supper is provided.
Music Team: Our music team is currently involved in a weekly nursing home ministry. If you would like to contact us about singing at your event, call 936-221-6351.
Community service
Spring Hill participates in a community worship service with several area Churches on a quarterly basis. The next service will be Sept. 29, 6:00pm at Sand Hill Baptist Church.